The Function_N Library

func_N(const vec &params, const vec &variables, const string &N_file, const string &outputfile, const string &path_data, const string &path_results)

This function computes the result of a single function math:y=f(x), providing the vector of input values \(x\). The list of values shall be stored in a file named N_file, in the data folder path_data


This is a temproary function and necessitate to modify the code with your own function. This will be deprecated in a future release

You shall define your own function along with the definition of the vector, for example by adding

vec y = p_cumulative(N, variables(0), variables(1), params); Insert here the fonction you want

in the file func_N.cpp. You should then reinstall the library

The x and y values are written in a file named outputfile, in the data folder path_results


string outputfile = “results.txt”; string N_file = “list_inputs.txt”; string path_data = “data”; string path_data = “results”;

vec props = {1., 2.} //A vector utilized to define the parameters vec sigma = randu(6); double sigma_eq = Mises_stress(sigma); vec variables = {sigma_eq} //A vector utilized to define the variables

func_N(props, variables, N_file, outputfile, path_data, path_results);