Installation ======== On All platforms (Linux/MacOS/Windows) platforms ---------------- The easiest way to install *simcoon* is to create a *conda* environnement: You can utilize the Anaconda GUI or type: (for the installation of an environment called "scientific") .. code-block:: none conda create --name scientific To activate the environment: .. code-block:: none conda activate scientific Now you can install *simcoon* using .. code-block:: none conda install -c conda-forge -c set3mah simcoon That's it! You can start utilizing *simcoon* Developper installation: ------------------------- On Linux/MacOS platforms: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We still recommand to use a specific environnement : .. code-block:: none conda create --name simcoon-dev To activate the environment: .. code-block:: none conda activate simcoon-dev The next step is to install the required packages: .. code-block:: none conda install -c conda-forge armadillo conda install -c conda-forge boost conda install -c conda-forge cgal conda install -c conda-forge numpy Next, download the Simcoon sources in the github repository of Simcoon_ .. _Simcoon : Unzip the content in a folder The last step is to run the installation script: .. code-block:: none sh A build folder will be automatically created in the Simcoon folder. At some point you can decide wether you will install or not the Simcoon library. Make sure you have carefully added thje path to your anaconda environnement. Once the installation is done, the executables can be found in the build/bin folder. The use of python wrappers to those executables are however now easier to handle. Note: You shall make sure that you have CMake installed .. image:: _static/CMake.png If not installed, for Ubuntu and debian-based systems: .. code-block:: none sudo apt-get install cmake And for Mac OS user, you can use brew: .. code-block:: none brew update brew install cmake If you do no want to install Simcoon using a conda environnement, the following dependencies are required to install simcoon: - Boost_ (at least 1.63), including Boost Python .. _Boost : - Armadillo_ .. _Armadillo : - CGAL_ .. _CGAL : .. image:: _static/boost_logo.png .. image:: _static/Armadillo_logo.png .. image:: _static/CGAL_logo.png Note that FTensor_ .. _FTensor : is also utilized by Simcoon but it is integrated to facilitate the installation. You can get the sources and docs here Make sure that you have access to the folder selected for the installation with Cmake (by default /usr/local on most Unix-based systems). On Windows platforms ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The following procedure has been tested on Windows 10 64 bits: The first thing is to download the last version of Visual Studio. 1. Install Anaconda using windows 64bits installer 2. download and execute the CMake Win64 Installer ( Make sure to set the PATH variable during installation 3. download and install Visual studio (tested with VS 2019). You can get it here_ _here : 4. Download simcoon from Github : 5. Execute the bld.bat executable